I’m a mother of three lovely plants namely Petrus (Taheboo), Rudolf (Oregano), and Mary (Lemongrass). Yes, they have names. I would love to have more of them, but I currently live in a tiny condominium unit that isn't really encouraging and favorable for such idea.
Petrus grows fast. A few months back, I trimmed him to a manageable size given our window also occupies clothesline
with clothes to dry. But after just a while he grew back lushly, as expected. Then I got an
idea to start planning for the Potted Plants Giveaway Monday! About three weeks
ago, I bought small pots at Dangwa and replanted some trimmings of Petrus (Taheebo).
I wouldn't say I’m an expert on this. But I’ve done it several times with
various plants that can grow from cuttings - it can vary though from one plant
to another. Nonetheless, here are some general tips I can give you from my own experience:
Choose the bigger stem (or the mature growth). Cut them slanting. Water is
easily sucked in that way.
Do not make the trimmings very long because the water would have a hard time
reaching the tip. Just keep them a few inches long.
Use a sharp pruner. I used scissors.
It’s better if you soak the tip of the trimmings in water immediately after you cut them
off to prevent the pores from closing.
Use a good soil. Make sure the soil is wet when you replant the trimmings.
Water them.
Until you think they’ve grown some roots, avoid moving them unnecessarily.
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