Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down."

It’s Summer! Summer excites everyone, even for someone who isn’t so fond of it. Like me. Something in it awakens us – the heat, the long holidays, the school break, the summer flings. Stop waiting, plunge in the heat, spend the long breaks, and create adventures.

With that, I give you my recent Corregidor Island memories. Oh, how the magic of time can transform a tumultuous past into a calming beauty! 

              A war veteran with Mr. Roberto Fulcher, Sr. - discovered the cemetery of Japanese soldiers in Corregidor Island


I know you're thinking of visiting the island, too, at this point. Check these sites to know other people's experiences hopping to the island and for further help in your itinerary and budget. This is another free trip for me. Yay! Eat at the hotel, not on the beachside. Trust me.

10 Best Ways to Experience and Enjoy Corregidor
Our Corregidor Island Trip: A Walk Through Philippine World War II History
Day Trips from Manila - The Adventure Challenge in Corregidor Island

*Taken @ Corregidor Island (07 April 2014) by Linds

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