Sunday, May 17, 2015

Painted Cheeseboard!

Happy Sunday, darlings! Feelin' crafty these days? I do. :) 

On our way back from Baler Aurora, we dropped by at a road-side shop selling woodworks, like stools, benches, chopping boards, palo-palo (yep, that wooden thing you use to clean the fabric when laundrying), keychains, tables, and a lot other interesting stuff. I was particularly interested in the chopping boards as I had a plan of trying to paint it. Instead, though, I got a palo-palo since they're much smaller than the available chopping boards and they're much cheaper. I mean, I only needed one similar-looking wooden thing to try my little project out. So, palo-palo it is and look how it turned out after painting a little part of its handle. 

How to do this?! First, get a cheeseboard, of course. A real one or innovate something, if you're that creative. You have to have a nontoxic acrylic paint (extra bright). I used poster paint on this because it's what's readily available at home. Appropriate brushes. Having several sizes would be very convenient for doing the details. Then, you're good to go! Some may have used glazes or fixers (nontoxic) to keep the design safe.

But, there you go, here's my experimental version. It was fun doing it. When I have the right tools and the cheeseboards, I should try it again and make the real thing. :) 

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